Monte Carlo Tic Tac Toe Engine24/7/2016
Since setting up the approximation of $\pi$ using the Monte Carlo technique of sampling inside a circle, I've been playing around with applying Monte Carlo methods to other problems.
One problem I thought it would be fun to play around with was creating an AI engine that uses Monte Carlo rather than deterministic methods to run. My first thought was to look at a chess engine, I've always wanted to set one up, but after playing around with it for a while I realised setting up the actual game engine was going to be a substantial amount of work before even thinking about the AI. Therefore I shelved that for the time being. The next game I decided to look at Tic-Tac-Toe or Noughts and Crosses which is on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of complexity of rules. Optimal Strategies As every school age kid quickly learns, there is an optimal strategy for playing Tic-Tac-Toe. In case anyone has forgotten it can easily found online, however programming in the strategy would have been quite tedious, and not as fun as messing around with a stochastic solution. I thought it was interesting that a Monte Carlo engine, if it can be programmed to play the game well without even being told what the optimal strategy is, should replicate this strategy simply by selecting what it believes is the optimal move based on its own analysis. It can do all of this without ever truly knowing what the strategy is. I decided to write the engine in VBA, which is not a great development language generally. But meant that I could stick the game into a Spreadsheet which seemed like a fun thing to do. Here's a screenshot of the game: How it works The way the engine works is each time the computer is about to move, it uses the current state of the grid, and plays out a large number of random games (for each move it makes a random selection for itself and then a random selection for the player until one side wins or it is a draw). The computer tracks who wins each game and more importantly, for each of the possible next moves for the computer, whether it eventually ends in a win, draw or loss. The computer repeats this process a large number of times (the default being 10,000), each time assigning a value to the starting move of +1 if the computer eventually wins the game, +0.5 if the game ends in a draw, and 0 if the computer losses the game. The computer keeps a running total of the value assigned to each starting move. Once the simulation of random games is completed, the computer selects the move with the highest value, this should correspond to the starting move that is the most likely to led to a victory or a draw, I've linked below to the Excel file with the game inside: ![]()
And here is the source code in VBA:
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Show Code Option Base 1 Option Explicit Sub MakeMove() Dim vGrid As Variant Dim vGridPerm As Variant Dim iNewCell As Integer Dim iFirstMove As Integer Dim irow As Integer Dim lSimNum As Long Dim lNumSim As Long Dim vNextmove(9) As Long lNumSim = Range("NumSim") vGrid = Range("Grid") vGridPerm = Range("Grid") If CheckWin(vGrid) <> -1 Then Exit Sub End If For lSimNum = 1 To lNumSim vGrid = vGridPerm iFirstMove = GetRandom(vGrid) vGrid(iCellToiRow(iFirstMove), iCellToiCol(iFirstMove)) = "X" While CheckWin(vGrid) = -1 iNewCell = GetRandom(vGrid) vGrid(iCellToiRow(iNewCell), iCellToiCol(iNewCell)) = "O" iNewCell = GetRandom(vGrid) vGrid(iCellToiRow(iNewCell), iCellToiCol(iNewCell)) = "X" Wend vNextmove(iFirstMove) = vNextmove(iFirstMove) + CheckWin(vGrid) Next Range("k6") = findmax(vNextmove) For irow = 1 To 9 Range("k7").Offset(irow, 0) = (vNextmove(irow) / lNumSim) Next vGridPerm(iCellToiRow(findmax(vNextmove)), iCellToiCol(findmax(vNextmove))) = "X" Range("grid") = vGridPerm End Sub Function findmax(vNextmove) Dim iCell As Integer Dim iMax(2) As Integer iMax(1) = 1 For iCell = 1 To 9 If vNextmove(iCell) > iMax(1) Then iMax(1) = vNextmove(iCell) iMax(2) = iCell End If Next findmax = iMax(2) End Function Function GetRandom(vGrid As Variant) Dim iCell As Integer Dim iCountBlank As Integer Dim vEmpty(9) As Variant iCountBlank = 0 For iCell = 1 To 9 If vGrid(iCellToiRow(iCell), iCellToiCol(iCell)) = "" Then vEmpty(iCountBlank + 1) = iCell iCountBlank = iCountBlank + 1 End If Next Randomize GetRandom = vEmpty(Int(Rnd * (iCountBlank) + 1)) End Function Function iCellToiRow(iCell As Integer) iCellToiRow = 1 + Int((iCell - 1) / 3) End Function Function iCellToiCol(iCell As Integer) iCellToiCol = 1 + ((iCell - 1) Mod 3) End Function Function CheckWin(vGrid As Variant) Dim irow As Integer Dim iCol As Integer Dim iDiag As Integer Dim iCountX As Integer Dim iCountO As Integer Dim iCountBoth As Integer '1 = win, 1/2 = draw, 0=Lose, -1 = continuing ' Check X then O ' Check Rows, Check Columns, check down diag, check up diag CheckWin = -1 For irow = 1 To 3 iCountX = 0 iCountO = 0 For iCol = 1 To 3 If vGrid(irow, iCol) = "X" Then iCountX = iCountX + 1 End If If vGrid(irow, iCol) = "O" Then iCountO = iCountO + 1 End If Next If iCountX = 3 Then CheckWin = 1 Exit Function ElseIf iCountO = 3 Then CheckWin = 0 Exit Function End If Next For iCol = 1 To 3 iCountX = 0 iCountO = 0 For irow = 1 To 3 If vGrid(irow, iCol) = "X" Then iCountX = iCountX + 1 End If If vGrid(irow, iCol) = "O" Then iCountO = iCountO + 1 End If Next If iCountX = 3 Then CheckWin = 1 Exit Function ElseIf iCountO = 3 Then CheckWin = 0 Exit Function End If Next iCountX = 0 iCountO = 0 For iDiag = 1 To 3 If vGrid(iDiag, iDiag) = "X" Then iCountX = iCountX + 1 End If If vGrid(iDiag, iDiag) = "O" Then iCountO = iCountO + 1 End If If iCountX = 3 Then CheckWin = 1 Exit Function ElseIf iCountO = 3 Then CheckWin = 0 Exit Function End If Next iCountX = 0 iCountO = 0 For iDiag = 1 To 3 If vGrid(iDiag, 4 - iDiag) = "X" Then iCountX = iCountX + 1 End If If vGrid(iDiag, 4 - iDiag) = "O" Then iCountO = iCountO + 1 End If If iCountX = 3 Then CheckWin = 1 Exit Function ElseIf iCountO = 3 Then CheckWin = 0 Exit Function End If Next iCountBoth = 0 For irow = 1 To 3 For iCol = 1 To 3 If vGrid(irow, iCol) = "X" Or vGrid(irow, iCol) = "O" Then iCountBoth = iCountBoth + 1 End If Next Next If iCountBoth = 9 Then CheckWin = 0.5 Exit Function End If End Function Future Development Something that I would like to explore in the future is the use of more efficient algorithms for analysing the best move. For example, apparently alpha-beta pruning can be used to focus on the moves that look the most promising rather than spending an equal amount of time looking at all moves. I would also like to make a web based version of the game at some point., |
AuthorI work as an actuary and underwriter at a global reinsurer in London. Categories
April 2024
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